Add more you and engage with Gen-Z!

We make it easy for you to add your brand message and pop up in your fans' personal messaging feeds on their favourite social media channels

Say it with digital stickers and turn messaging into brand engagement.

We enable you to share branded content effortlessly—sparking conversations, going viral. Customize, personalize, and add more you to every message via chat, photo and video across all social media platforms.
Play our awesome video
1. Create stickers..
and upload in store
2. Activate
3. Buy and $hare
1. Create stickers and upload in store

2. Activate

3. Buy
and $hare

Unlock Key Benefits of Digital Stickers

Eco-friendly production

Cost effective and scalable reach

No costs for printing and material
No shipping or distribution fees
Never out of stock
Instant available for global use

Seamless integration with your marketing strategy

Ideal for building loyalty programs
On trend On time
Short lead times

Tap into social media conversations

Animated and engaging content
Highly shareable content

Solutions for

Explore the untapped opportunities with digital Stickers a.k.a Digital Merchandise.
Pre, during and after the event. Fangagement never stops!

  • Sports

  • Music

  • Fashion & Lifestyle

  • Movies & entertainment

  • Pop Image ..and many

Menoki USP's

Multi-Platform Keyboard

Seamless integration of Menoki's custom made keyboard for all your favorite social media apps.

Multi-Brand Management

Centrally manage sticker packs and content for your entire portfolio of brands and communities.

Data Crossing and Enrichment

Gain insights and combine user data to unlock new monetization opportunities.

Easy One Click Install

Installing the keyboard requires just one click in your phone settings. Add as many stickers as you want in your personal sticker board.

Stickers As A Service

Engagement Model

Share stickers packs with your fans and boost your fangagement

  • Offer Sticker Campaigns, Seasonal and Holiday-Themed for Product Launches
  • Offer Event based Stickers for Sponsored events
  • Develop Loyalty Programs with Stickers
  • Create your own branded Ai Selfie Stickers
Let me tell you more!

Monetize Fangagement Model

Add new revenue streams with personalized digital stickers

  • Offer Exclusive Sticker Packs with Subscr Models
  • Offer Stickers as Digital Merch
  • Create stickers in your own Ai worlds.
Let me tell you more!

Ready to
add more you?

Book a call

For info
